March 31st @ 5PM – 8PM PST on Zoom – You Are Invited To Quan Yin’s Birthday Party
The Isis Oasis Sanctuary is marking Quan Yin's Birthday with an celebration that includes burning of incense, lighting candles, chanting and making offerings. We invite you to participate with us while we focus on bring forth the Mother of Compassion's endless mercy for all beings on Her birthday!
Celebrating Isidis Navigium
Celebrate Isidis Navigium with this guided ritual, performed by the Clergy of Isis at the Temple of Isis. The voyage of the Sacred Boat of Isis is a symbol of one's life journey through waves of emotions, the journey of life and our efforts to receive protection and blessing for this journey.
The Brilliant Festival of Lights
We invite you to come journey with us into a joyous New Year with this celebration of Light!
Holiday Harp Concert & Solstice Celebration 2020
Light wish candles for the coming year, shake bells for Solstice, and sing along with Silent Night.
Giving Tuesday – Temple of Isis
So it is with a humble heart and faith in the Divine Grace of Isis, The Great Mother Goddess that we are for your donations to help us get through this Holiday season!
Remembering the Ancient Future – Blood Moon Virtual
Remembering the Ancient Future - Blood Moon VirtualMonday November 30th, 8PM - Via Zoom
The Celtic Dumb Supper – Celebrating The Honored Dead
This year we are honoring our beloved dead. So many have passed recently, join us to visit with them in a sacred manner - during this time when the veil is thin.
Wrap Up – Divine Feminine Convocation 2020 / Temple of Isis
It has been such a pleasure to connect with all the beloved children of Isis, the Divine Mother as we celebrated the fierce love of Sehkmet!
Sekhmet & Ptah – Temple of Isis Convocation 2020
Beautiful Ones, You are cordially invited as we explore the divine mysteries of Ancient Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet and how She manifests her healing powers in todays world.
‘Love Song – A Summer Solstice Celebration!’
'Love Song - A Summer Solstice Celebration!' / Saturday June 20th, 2020 - 2:00PM Via Zoom!