Celebrating Divine Mother’s Day!
On this Mothers Day Sunday May 14th 2023 , we here at the Temple of Isis - Isis Oasis Sanctuary, have decided to do a special day broadcast.
Inner Sanctum Symposium + Beltane via Zoom / April 27th – May 1nd, 2023
You are invited to our annual Inner Sanctum Symposium, a spiritual gathering that dives into mysteries of the Sacred Feminine. This year’s gathering will include a celebration of Beltane, focusing on bringing forth the nurturing elements of Summer.
You Are Invited To Our Goddess Prayerathon!
A Goddess Prayerathon, Benefiting The Temple of Isis as we raise funds to help cover the costs of the storm damages here at the Isis Oasis Sanctuary!
Holiday Harp Concert & Solstice Celebration!
You are invited to partake in our Holiday Harp Concert & Solstice Feast! A magical evening of fabulous food & holiday music from around the world celebrating the Winter Solstice, Christmas and all Winter Holidays!
Keeping The Temple Doors Open!
As we try to recover from the last three years of on an off again shutdowns and ongoing financial struggles, we have kept the sanctuary gates open to all those in need. On that note, we have expanded our charitable outreach by hiring a Parish Nurse to help all temple members in need, and we now have a therapist who comes to the temple monthly to do health checks for all those in need.
The Temple of Isis Convocation 2022
Beautiful Ones, You are cordially invited to a celebration honoring Bast, the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Joy & Jubilation!
Maha Tara Chanting For Peace and Full Moon Meditation
We will be working with Maha Tara as we chant Her mantra "om tare tuttare ture soha" a 108 times to invoke Her divine compassion to soothe the troubled waters of our modern world.
Inner Sanctum Symposium + Beltane via Zoom / April 29th – May 2nd, 2022
You are invited to our annual Inner Sanctum Symposium, a spiritual gathering that dives into mysteries of the Sacred Feminine. This year’s gathering will include a celebration of Beltane, focusing on bringing forth the nurturing elements of Summer.
Solstice Feast & Harp Concert
A magical evening of holiday music from around the world celebrating the Winter Solstice & Christmas and all Winter Holidays!
UPDATED SCHEDULE! Isis & Serapis – Temple of Isis Convocation 2021
The Temple of Isis Convocation 2021 : Honoring Isis & Serapis Theme : Love, Vulnerability, and Healing Thursday October 7th - Monday October 11th, 2021 via Zoom Presented by Rev. Justin Howard from the comfort and safety of your own private sanctuary. This is a virtual gathering. It is a presentation of the content of our planned community gatherings that would have taken place, wrapped in some fun interaction. There are many workshops and show of talent mixed with some social activities.