Maha Tara, A Tara Meditation with Master Romio Shrestha.
We are proud to present an hour long meditation focused on Maha Tara, the bodhisattva of endless compassion from Tibetan Buddhism. This meditation class is lead by this years ‘Inner Sactum 2020’ headliner speaker, Master Romio Shrestha.
Master Romio is the seventeenth reincarnation of the master Tibetan Thangka painter Arniko. He is the foremost master of Sacred Tibetan Calligraohy alive today. You might know him from his works in the MET musuem in New York or other famous art museums around the world.
He is the artist / author behind the success book ‘Celestial Goddesses’ and its accompanying oracle deck!
If you have the chance to meet master Romio in the flesh, he will lovingly tell you that “It Is The Goddesses Who Will Save The World!”
He was ordianed as a TOI & FOI clergy in 2019!