
Greetings from the Temple of Isis.

We are here today to pray for peace with all of you. Normally we are in the small town of Geyserville, CA at the Isis Oasis Sanctuary in our ‘House of Life’ shrine. Our shrine is decorated much like the ones in use during ancient times in Egypt.

The Divine Mother Isis is known as The Laady of Ten Thousand Names and therefore emcompasses in her valuminous wings all people, all animals, all plants, all insects, and reptiles. She is the embodiment of Mother Nature who all you are familiar with.

In Egypt you can still see Her temple at Philae Yet She was worshipped abroad in Greece, Rome and throughout Europe. We here at the Isis Oasis Sanctuary, home of the Temple of Isis, are dedicated to keeping Her name alive!

We attempt to live by the 42 Ideals of Maat, they are very simple and if one strives to live by them it would indeed be a more peaceful world. 

Temple of Isis / Isis Oasis Sanctuary
