Isis-House Publishing : The Catalog

Bast, Cat Goddess of Ancient Egypt by Linda Iles
The cat goddess Bast is sometimes dismissed as a minor deity of the Egyptian Pantheon. But no longer.
In this groundbreaking book, Linda Iles explores Bast as a divine creatrix, goddess of the heavens, and powerful ally and protectoress. Her extensive research into the temples and practices of Ancient Egypt is combined with practical rites, visualizations, and meditations that modern readers can employ today. You’ll never look at your own cat in quite the same way again once you’ve discovered “Bast – Cat Goddess of Ancient Egypt”!
~Discover Bast’s associations with all of the divine felines of Ancient Egypt
~Learn the special ceremonies and festivals of Bast, including a recreation of the Morning Rite performed in all of her temples
~Explore Bast’s relationship with the Royal House of Egypt
~ Apply the magic of Bast to your own feline family, with special rites of welcome, healing and blessing

High Magic: How To Turn Your Lead Into Gold by Arisa Victor
Dedicated to Isis, who is the author’s inspiration and guide.
High Magic is about using metaphysical science to progress on the Path of Light towards ever-greater Self-realization. The Ageless Wisdom of the West is distilled into clear, concise language. Illustrations and How-To suggestions help awaken one’s inner truth.
The Path is open to all. Anyone can use this book to discover the truth of their Selfhood. If you put your heart into it and aim for the highest good, progress is guaranteed. One fine day you will know you have succeeded in the quest to be your Self, with nothing added and nothing taken away.
Working with High Magic will turn the lead of fear and ignorance into the gold of love and enlightenment.This book can be helpful to anyone at any stage in their efforts know and express their unique individuality. It makes a wonderful gift for friends and family. This is alchemy for everybody!

Sounding The Sistrum: Rhythms & Rituals by deTraci Regula
Price: $14.95
The Sistrum is a sacred sound maker used in rites to honor Isis, Bast, and Hathor. It was also used in rites to honor other deities, including Amen, Osiris, Anubis, and the gods and goddesses of the great Ennead. The sound itself is a cleansing, purifying offering to these deities, and can be used in cleansing the aura, clearing environments, and blessing or decontaminating objects of spiritual debris. Pharohs, queens, priests, priestesses, and even gods and goddesses all played the sistrum at various times.
Sounding the Sistrum: Rhythms & Rituals Box Edition by deTraci Regula
Special Box Kit Edition including a handcrafted sistrum and pouch.
Price: $35.95
“Isis Is For All” by Lady Olivia Robertson
Isis is for All is a collection of important writings by Olivia Robertson, award winning author, artist and modern day Priestess of Isis. Her work spans a period covering more than sixty years. In 1976 Olivia, her brother Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and his wife Pamela founded the Fellowship of Isis, an organization dedicated to spreading awareness of the Goddess.
Isis is for All will take the reader into a world of spiritual transformation, as seen through the eyes of one of the most beloved figures in the Goddess Movement today. Within the pages of this book Olivia outlines the principles of the Fellowship of Isis. They hold as true today as they did when the Fellowship was first founded.
The Mysteries of Isis by deTraci Regula – Anniversary Special Edition
Price: $23.95 Pre-order Now
Back in Print! Revised and expanded edition of deTraci’s groundbreaking book on the modern worship of Isis. Includes additional materials, previously unpublished chapters, more rites and rituals, and new photographs and illustrations.
Temple of Isis / Isis Oasis Sanctuary