Maha Tara Chanting For Peace and Full Moon Meditation
In this event lead by Rev. Justin Howard, Spiritual Director of the Temple of Isis & The Isis Oasis Sanctuary – The oldest and largest Interfaith Goddess Temple in North America. It is part of our temple’s spiritual mission to exploring all the manifesting faces of the Divine Feminine of all spiritual traditions.
We will be working with Maha Tara as we chant Her mantra “om tare tuttare ture soha” a 108 times to invoke Her divine compassion to soothe the troubled waters of our modern world.
Using Her divine imagery on this auspicious night of not only a full moon but also a lunar eclipse, we will be ending with a meditation that helps us from the dark night of the human soul into the calming light of dawn! It is our aim to help each person change with the world for the better starting with themselves for this is how true changes ripples out into the world.
Who is Maha Tara?
Tara is a female deity in both Hinduism and Buddhism who personifies compassion and offers salvation from the suffering of rebirth and death. She is thought to have been born of empathy for the suffering world and is regularly invoked for protection, guidance, and deliverance from difficult situations