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UPDATED SCHEDULE! Isis & Serapis – Temple of Isis Convocation 2021

The Temple of Isis Convocation 2021 :

Honoring Isis & Serapis

Theme : Love, Vulnerability, and Healing

Thursday October 7th – Monday October 11th, 2021 via Zoom

Presented by the Temple of Isis Spiritual Director Rev. Justin Howard & Presiding Arch-Priestess Rev. Detraci Regula from the comfort and safety of your own private sanctuary.

This is a virtual gathering. It is a presentation of the content of our planned community gatherings that would have taken place, wrapped in some fun interaction. There are many workshops and show of talent mixed with some social activities.

Presentation Schedule :

Thursday Oct 7th, 2021

12 Noon – Anandha Ray / Noon Rite & Gratitude Circle

1PM – Rev. Courtney Barriger / Manifesting Your Desires 

2PM – Artist Nicholas Phillips / The Queering of Isis

Pistis Sophia: the Goddess Tarot, and how Isis features as the Magician card, and another Isis painting I’ve completed recently, ‘Queering Isis’, as part of my new Queering Deities series. I have invited LGBT+ people to pose as the deity they most connect with, whether they look like the way they are commonly represented in spiritual art or not. The aim is to increase representation and challenge how people think a god should ‘look’. ‘Queering Isis’ was posed for by a trans woman who connects with the goddess particularly in her bird form and it shows her shapeshifting with wings that have the colous of the trans flag. 

3PM – Rev. Detraci Regula / The Living Mysteries of Isis

4PM – Rev. Carla D. Jones-Alt / Essential Oils of Ancient Egypt:  Chakra Healing in Antiquity

8PM – Rev. Patricia Ballentine / “One with Gaia’s Heart – A Labyrinth Meditation”

The working will be Expanding Love, Vulnerability & Healing.  I could do either Thursday or Sunday.   Please let me know if that works for you.

Friday Oct 8th, 2021

12 Noon – Rev. Justin Howard/ Noon Rite & Manifestation Circle


We need to rebuild our communities after almost 2 years of separation, and also reduce our use of energy to help slow down the climate chaos. 

THE ACT OF SEED SAVING AND SHARING IS ANCIENT AND REVOLUTIONARY Seed sharing can build local community very quickly – and lasts for years in time.  It is really simple. You grow something you love; you save the best to share back to the Earth to re-seed, and you give your surplus away.  You are proud of your seeds, and interested to hear how they are doing in someone else’s garden.  

2PM – Rev. Mana Youngbear / Divination with the Ogham

Build a relationship with the Ogham through personal practice using the Ogham as a tool of divination. The potency and wisdom underlying the ancient tree alphabet of the Druids is as relevant today as it was in the ancient past.

4PM – Rev. Justin Howard / Descent into the Underworld

8PM – Rev. Nikki Rand / “Awake inside a dream, a moving meditation journey with Isis” Meditation

Saturday Oct 9th 2021

1PM – Rev. Linda Iles / Isis, The Rose of World

Isis, Rose of the World: of all the flowers, the rose is a singular example of a natural form that has been included in the symbolism of many cultures, spiritual traditions and folklore throughout the centuries. This flower has been intricately connected to our ideas of love and beauty and as such has enjoyed an association with several Goddesses; and eventually with one in particular- the Goddess Isis. We will explore her roles as “Queen of Heaven”, as a goddess of rebirth, everlasting life and beauty.

2PM – Rev. Michael Star-sheen / Serapis: God of the Ptolemys 

Serapis was the name of a syncretized god created by Ptolemy I Soter to appeal to the Greek residents of Egypt, who were uncomfortable with animal-headed deities and with Osiris as he is normally depicted. The god was based on an Egyptian syncretic god, Ausir-Apis, which combined elements of the god, Osiris, and the divine bull god, Apis. Serapis went on to be an important god, placed generally beside Isis, throughout the Greco-Roman world. This talk will examine the evolution of this god and his ancestors, and his spread through the Greco-Roman world.

3PM – Rev. Chaya Kornreich / Words have power, Manifesting your reality with Isis

I’ve been feeling into the topic of the power of words and how language with ourselves and others manifests our reality.

I can weave in the language we use when relating to Isis and in general how language can influence our path to and from our goals

4PM – Rev. Marilu Ishtar / Discovering the Power of your MER KA BA

What Does ‘Merkaba’ Mean? The word Merkaba can be broken down thus: MER: rotating fields of light, KA: spirit, and BA: soul (this is taken from an 18th dynasty Egyptian translation, and in Hebrew it means ‘chariot’).  Therefore, Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit or energy body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, or spirals of energy (as with a strand of DNA), which transport spirit or consciousness from one dimension to another.

Believed to be an extremely powerful and sacred symbol, the Merkaba is made of 2 tetrahedrons which spin in opposite directions, thus creating a three-dimensional energy field surrounding every person. The idea is that every single person in the world has this energy field around them regardless of whether they’re aware of it or not.

While spinning in different directions, the two three-dimensional triangles make up a Merkaba star that is simultaneously pulling power up from the earth (feminine) and drawing energy down from the heavens (masculine). This combination of forces is said to bring about balance through the energy field that it creates. If we think about the energetic power of an actual star in the universe, this becomes an even more inspiring symbol. Therefore is said that the symbol is a combination of opposing energies FEMININE and MASCULINE, COSMOS and EARTH. This allows them to connect not only with the goodness inside of them but also to their higher beings. The field of LOVE, LIGHT and GOODWILL that surrounds the person can extend to other people, surrounding them with the same healing energy.


7PM – Rev. Goddess Cocktail Hour Social 

8PM – Rev. Audrey Antley / ‘The Christo & Serapis, The Journey Within’ Meditation

A meditation where we find our inner Christos, the Osirus within us who guides and loves us with Isis without, watching over us and protecting us with her feathery wings when we need Her.

Sunday Oct 10th 2021

10AM – Master Romio Shrestha / Traditional Tibetan Tara Lesson & Blessings 

Romio Bahadur Shrestha was born into a Newar family in Katmandu in Nepal. When he was five years old, two Tibetan Buddhist monks arrived at the door. Romio, they said, was the seventeenth reincarnation of the master Tibetan Thangka painter Arniko and they gave to him a stock of valuable art materials, explaining that he would, one day, form his own school of painting.

Romio Shrestha is a modern master of the Indo-Nepali-Tibetan Buddhist traditions of enlightenment art. Romio Shrestha’s Thangka’s can be found in many of the great collections of the world including The British Museum, The Victoria Albert Museum, London, The Buchheim Museum, American Museum of Natural History New York, National Museum Moscow, The Chester Beatty Library Dublin, The Voelkerkunde Museum Zurich as well as many private collections around the globe.

Preserving and innovating the ancient wisdom and traditional craftsmanship, Romio founded a school in Nepal in 1968 and now into the 21st century he continues to bring the world of Thangka on into the future. He is living in Ireland today and often on the road spreading the words of Dharma in the world.

11AM & 1PM – Ordinations by the Temple of Isis & Fellowship of Isis with Rev. Linda Iles & Rev. Detraci Regula

1PM – “Cosmic Womb” Goddess Film Screening by Artist Priestesses Elizabeth Sciore-Jones & Elizabeth Huebner

The title of my experimental film is “Cosmic Womb”, I created the film/ concept video/ sound design, and the other Elizabeth wrote and recorded poem that I integrated into the soundscape.

2PM – Rev. James Jacob Pierri / Isis Panthea, The All Goddess

Isis Panthea, The All Goodess.

How the sacred Greco- Roman image of Isis & Serapis changed everything!

Not only personally but also historically. Most are quite familiar with Isis in Her Egyptian-Las Vegas-Showgirl look ( as I’ve affectionately dubbed it) but it’s In Her Greco-Roman sycretisized image that changed the Mediterranean, western history, art and metaphysics for time to come. It also became a revelation in personal search for missing pieces to my own story.

In this presentation I will take a look back on some interesting points in Greco-Roman history and how they shaped my personal relationship with Isis, via family lineage and perpetuating devotion into the 21st century. This is a sincere and honest POV that bridges the past , present and possibly the Future pertaining to Isis. Each one of us has a unique introduction that turns into a relationship with our Goddess of 10,000 names, sharing my story with other Isiaci is important for many reasons (to be discovered) but one stands out, somehow in the end it’s a commonality that Tyet Knots us all together as Isiaci. Isis Panthea, truly covers all.

3PM – Rev. Avi lynn  / Dancing the Divine Dance with Covid 19

4PM – Historian Max Dashu / Keynote Presenter : Predynastic Kemetic Icons

Max Dashu presents a visual feast of female iconography from a time before the pharaohs: women in rock art; figurines in clay, stone and ivory (the vulture-headed women!); the motif of Invoking Woman / Goddess in Ship in ceramic paintings and rock art; offering vessels, carved stone palettes, animal motifs, breastpots, and other cultural treasures. 

Max Dashu founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 to research women’s heritages in the global cultural record. She teaches with images about ancient iconography, matriculture, medicine women, ceremony, female rebels and untamable women. She is the author of Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion, and the forthcoming Pythias, Melissae and Pharmakides: Women in Hellenic Culture, as well as videos on Woman Shaman: the Ancients and Women’s Power in Global Perspective.

12 Midnight – Rev. Detraci Regula / Journey into the Sacred Dreaming 

Monday Oct 11th 2021

12 Noon – Adoration of Isis & Serapis, Lead by Rev. Linda Iles

1PM – TOI  / Tree Blessings of the Temple Groves, A visual journey

2PM – Rev. Kirsten Johnsen / Leaping into the Liminal: Sappho and the Lovers’ Leap in the Anthropocene”

3PM – Rev. Yeshe Matthews / Seeing in the Dark : A rite of Discernment 

Seeing in the Dark: A Rite of Discernment- At this time, earthly beings are facing some of the most tumultuous and challenging years in recent history. However, in the words of the brilliant Arundhati Roy, “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” As we move forward through this time of shadow and into the darkening half of the year, we call upon Hekate and Cerberus, Isis and Serapis, asking them to illuminate our vision and show us the best path, the holy path that will lead us into the radiant, phosphoric heart of New Earth. Please prepare for this ritual by identifying one or more issues that have clouded your mind or obscured your belief in magic, to be transformed during this sacred rite.

Yeshe Matthews is Priestess of the Tsogyal Lhamo Drayang Ling, the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple in Dunsmuir, CA. She is a dharma practitioner and a licensed minister, ordained and initiated in several different mystery traditions.

8PM – Rev. Robert Don Courtney / Phoenix Flame Dragon Fire Divine Energy Healing, a guided Meditation

This meditation and energy work will burn away that which no longer serves you on your journey.