The Celtic Dumb Supper – Celebrating The Honored Dead
The Celtic Dumb Supper – Celebrating The Honored Dead
Sunday November 1st, 6PM – All Souls Day.
Via Zoom
The Celtic Dumb Supper – Celebrating The Honored Dead
This year we are honoring our beloved dead. So many have passed recently, join us to visit with them in a sacred manner – during this time when the veil is thin.
Halloween, or Day of the Dead – is traditionally known as the night when the veil between our world and the spirit world is at its most fragile. It’s the night when we believe the dead will hear us speak, and maybe even speak back or offer a message to those of us present. It’s a time of death and resurrection, of new beginnings and fond farewells.
The Dumb Supper is a silent ( a.k.a. “dumb”) sharing of food , especially favorite foods – with the dearly departed dead, whether it be your great grandmother who passed many years ago or a recent bereavement.
The Silent Supper :
In many cultures, ancestor worship is an ancient practice. Traditionally found in Mexican, African and Asian societies, this honoring was also a tradition in Old Europe, and is being revived among those of European heritage. The Day of the Dead, or All Souls Day: November 1st – 3rd is a time for focusing this practice.
To Participate :
– Start time for the ritual is at 6pm. Please arrive in our waiting room by 5:50 so You can be admitted & we can prepare to begin on time at 6pm with a welcome. Invite those of your friends and family who you feel will benefit from this experience; it is very healing and fulfilling
– Please prepare to share some favorite food of your departed beloveds at home, during this short part of the ceremony. This event is an “ancestral pot luck”. It can be as simple as a bar of chocolate, cookies, a bottle of beer, or as delicious as homemade cornbread or lasagna.
– We will bless & silently share some traditional Dumb Supper Sacramental foods such as seeds, bread or grains, raisins, apples, dry or burnt oats, chocolate, wine and water.
This ritual is free but your donations to Temple of Isis are gratefully accepted to honor the space we create together.
How to set up a Table to Honor the Dead: